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"Review of Galleria Restaurant"

A review of Galleria Restaurant by Matthew Bishop written on Monday 14th of April 2003


Having read the above reviews, I would like to add my own comments about the dreadful meal that we had the misfortune to eat at the Galleria restaurant last week...

My girlfriend had an interview at Cambridge University and we were going out to celebrate, and decided on this restaurant as it looked so charming, and the prices suggested a good level of cuisine.

We paid about £6 for a starter of chargrilled tiger prawn salad, which was awful. The prawns were tiny and had they actually been chargrilled they would probably have fallen through the bars and into the coals. The chilli sauce was clearly out of a bottle, and the salad was out of one of those bags you can buy at the supermarket, with a quarter of a cheap, barely off-orange coloured tomato perched on top.

The mains were no better, her duck (about £13) was tough and overdone, and the mushrooms filled with cheese were anything but 'filled'. My monkfish (£14)was hardly recognisable as a tender and light piece of seafood bearing the name should be.

The desserts were equally average, the ice-cream coming adorned with squirty UHT cream out of a can.

Now I'm no food snob, neiher am I stingy, but when the bill hovers around the £70 mark for two, I expect £70 worth of intelligent and original cooking.

Our meal was downright awful, and a rip-off, unlike the small Vietnamese cafe we ate lunch at the following day, which was a bargain..

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Galleria Restaurant

Map showing Galleria Restaurant on Bridge Street