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"Wrong subject"

A review of Marks & Spencer by LOUISE written on Sunday 19th of September 2004


i would like 2 say that firstley i am NOT lazy and secondley why dont you talk about the actual subject which is MARKS AND SPENCERS. OH AND WE ARE IN THE YEAR OF 2004 AND NOT 1954 . SO U NEED 2 GET WITH IT GRANDMA AND STOP THE SNOBENESS and YES i do admit 2 being rubbish at spelling and grammer but at least i can put across an opition and disscuss the actul subject . oh and ALMOST EVERYONE USES TEXT TALK NOWDAYS.OH AND SORRY WHILE I THINK ABOUT IT THE ENGLISH LANUAGE IS RUBBISH AND MAKES ABSOULTY NO SENCE . .

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Marks & Spencer

Map showing Marks & Spencer on Market Hill