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A review of McDonalds by CHAITANYA written on Tuesday 14th of September 2004


It is true that hyderabad is having vast potential to hold food chains like Dominos, Pizza Hut and even McDonolds. Hyderabadies are really CAMPS when it comes to the matter of food. We really like westren food like pizzas and burgers and spends a lot of money on them.

General information of Hyderabad:

It is 5th biggest city in India after the 4 metros holding the population of more than 6 millions.

Hyderabad is known for its richness and it is also termed as pearl city of India.

It is developing at a very fast rate and we are sure that it is going to be the 5th metro of India.

Important fact: It is having potential to hold more than 5 mcdonalds.

So why are you[McDonolds]making us wait, plz come fast. we r anticipating your arrival.

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Map showing McDonalds on Madingley Road