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"I love it!"

A review of Miss Selfridge by Nancy farrell written on Saturday 11th of September 2004


Miss selfridge seems to have that something special.. it is a bit pricey but somehow the shopping experience is always enjoyable! the colours and styles are fab! .

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  • I totally love miss selfridge by Luke wetherall
    Like... oh..my...god. i went into miss selfridge to buy this really cute dress and i was like '' oh,...
  • I agree with you by Annoymous
    People are so demanding and oniy the other day i was in miss selfridge and there was a very rude cus...
  • Not rude by Annoymous
    Excuse me ! i worked at miss selfridge and you were probably a rude customer ! DEMANDING things and ...
  • Cute Clothes! by Dela..x
    Miss Selfridge is a great shop, the clothes are a bit pricier than some of the shops I go to, but ov...
  • What i love bout miss selfridge is that its the place with are the coolest trends...its da place whe...

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Miss Selfridge

Map showing Miss Selfridge on Petty Cury