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"Dojo's better"

A review of Teri-Aki Restaurant & Bar by Ivy written on Tuesday 22nd of June 2004


Sushi wasn't bad but the noodles were not good. Bit pricey too! Dojo's a better choice by miles for me..

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  • 8 out of 10 by Ammy Pibial
    Very welcoming and friendly staff. Delish food with excellent service. Beautiful location and decent...
  • My friend and I attended Teri-Aki two weeks ago. Initially we were shown to our table but then left ...
  • Teri-Aki is a stylish and modern Japanese restaurant located across the Cam from Magdalene. As a stu...
  • Grate by Lisa
    Loved it People very nice food came wen ready there's no such thing as starts or mains you get it we...
  • This is to all the people who seem to think the food is nothing like Japan. This place couldn't be m...

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Teri-Aki Restaurant & Bar

Map showing Teri-Aki Restaurant & Bar on Quayside