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"Y not another restaurant in hyderabad, india"

A review of McDonalds by P.MAN MOHAN REDDY written on Saturday 29th of May 2004


I am a resident of hyderabad.its a state capital in india.i have been to many metro cities in india where mc donalds runs quite well, i feel that hyderabd is also a good option to put up a new chain of restaurants. hyderabad is a potentional city in terms of sales.

to tell u more about hyderabad ,its

1.city where maximum no. of mercs are sold last year.

2.city which has IT Income of 65000 crore,

3.higest number of youth%in all over india.

and many more ...

i am really interested to see mcdonalds in hyderabad..

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Map showing McDonalds on Madingley Road