A review of Nadias Patisserie by mohouahmed kloul written on Wednesday 24th of March 2004
No matter what I know that I could never express my motivation has through some lines, but all the same I will test. To start i holds has to specify you that I am titular that a diploma in pastry making and that as a trainee I expressed an interest particular to the Western specialities, in particular English, after my training course I started has to work and my work constituted has the time my source of life and a school of continuous training in the field of the pastry making which is really very vast of us match than my curiosity in this field and very insatisfaisable. Now and by bringing me closer your company,i have a very major desire to make a success of this professional project which holds me has heart and I think of having the profile of it, thus allowing my blooming as well on the personal level at centre of your company, I think as my personality is in full agreement with my motivation personnel, I am concerned of me sophisticated,i know adapted me and I think of having the direction of the responsibility and of organisation. All that added my seven years experiment which intensifier all these qualities in me. By thanking you the advance has of any interest has the study swhich you would grant has my file take care to accept Sir, Madam, the expression of my sincere greetings.
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