A review of Tammy by NaDiA written on Monday 16th of February 2004
Ive noticed that i avnt bin able 2 find da Tammy Girl web address y is that plz cng and make 1! I av also noticed dat theres a chng in clothes they are all gothic clothes i agree! N y r the bra's £10 geez! Its 222222 xpensiv!! lol! I also feel dat Tammy can be a rip off @ times but sum prices are alr8! Now im nt dissin tammy but it HAS CHNGED! & It tammy dnt do anyfing abwt it soon no-ones gonna shop xcept 4 all da posh rich snobs! anywayz bubz! l8erz darlinz! xooxooxoox PLZ CHNG! .
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