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"Nasreen Dar shop review"

A review of Nasreen Dar Store by bill turpin written on Tuesday 10th of February 2004


I have found the store to be a very nice local shop, they have so many items to choose from; electrical things to news papers to cheese and butter.

They're open to 8pm which does a big help when unexpected guests turn up. i just wish they had cold beer for sale. i understand that there is a problem with the local hostal and theft, which is diffucult to deal with as their profit margin is inline with other shops and in most cases there prices are 15p to 50p cheaper than the local texico garage on the corner, so when they (the shopkeeper) does experience a theft it really hurts their profits as they are not a member of a chain and dont have a big nest egg to fall back on..

I wish Mr Nasreen Dar, all the best for the future of his business. bill turpin. .

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Nasreen Dar Store

Map showing Nasreen Dar Store on Histon Road