A review of Phase Eight by Mrs James written on Wednesday 28th of January 2004
I have always enjoyed shopping especially for clothes for myself and i have recently been introduced to Phase Eight by a friend.
Having never visited one before i was shocked and suprised at how feminie and pretty the clothes are, the gorgeous patterns and fabrics at exceedingly affordable prices, offers me a truly excitable all round shopping experience.
My wardrobe is full of your clothes and i know im not the only one, Phase Eight's clothes appeal to all ages including my mother and my daughter.I am always visiting the Sailsbury and Marlborough branches.Both these shops are beautifully set out and the staff are always polite eager to help and always look flawless. I haven't ever visited a shop which has always such high standards.
Thank you to all your staff at Salisbury and Marlborough and everyone who continues to help me in enjoying wearing and purchasing your clothes. .
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