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"Do Buses Stop on Milton Road?"

A review of Bus Station - Stagecoach Cambus by Joanna written on Wednesday 17th of December 2003


Every morning, i see countless buses go past me and not one that i flag down stop! Are we not worthy of public transport? I live in the middle of Milton road with a lack of buses stopping at the request stops i have to walk the length of of the road to catch the Park and Ride, this is a good 20 min walk and when its raining its not nice.

Why can the Park and ride stop at the request stops up untill 8.30am instead of 7am? Who goes to work at 7am on a bus???

Something to think about when you make the bus fare rise and the buses later and later, sometimes not even turning up!!!.

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Bus Station - Stagecoach Cambus

Map showing Bus Station - Stagecoach Cambus on Drummer Street