A review of Warner Brothers Cinema by Viv written on Tuesday 28th of October 2003
For a college student i love to go to the cinema. I love to socialise. But going to the cinema is becomming a problem. They are too expensive especailly when its hard to go out and especially paying to go to the cinema. Many students whom i have asked have said the same. The cinema is becomming a rare treat. Its unfair that we have to miss out. Yes we get a discount but it is not alot. The cinema used to be around the £3 area, but now its rockerting towards £6 and thats just the ticket. That is worth 2 music cd singles! Not everyone does earn a high wage especailly for low income families, but i think the cinema dont really care about families having a good time. As long there is a profit. I think you should be ashamed of yourselves..
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