A review of Tucker Gardner by Anonymous written on Thursday 7th of July 2016
We recently entered into a bidding war with another prospective buyer with a house under the instruction of Tucker Gardner. Firstly we registered a note of interest in the property and were not informed when the first offer went in. Thankfully we had other eyes who let us know there had been a bid. After our first bid was entered we spent days going backwards and forwards chasing the agents to find out what was happening. Each time we spoke we had been outbid but had had no call to inform us of this. The agents then led us into a bidding war.
We then decided to stop this charade by placing an equal bid to that of the other potential purchaser. Guess what.we were told that we had been unsuccessful but also found out that the other side had been informed and had outbid us by a measly £2k. Basically we were left out of the loop - we were ill-informed and believe that there was a bias towards the other purchaser. How can an agency not inform both bidding parties of all offers. We lost the house I hasten to say and feel strongly that this was underhand and unprofessional all the way..
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