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"Rude staff and shameless lack of customer service"

A review of Galleria Restaurant by Jenny written on Wednesday 3rd of September 2003


I was strolling along Bridge Street at the height of the heatwave a few weeks ago with a couple of friends.

We sat down outside Galleria at approximately quarter to six, planning on having a couple of glasses of wine. (I have had terrible experiences with overpriced nasty food at Galleria before and will never eat there, but I reckoned they couldn't mess up a coupld of glasses of wine - how wrong I was!)

There were at least six or seven empty tables outside and the entire interior of the restaurant was empty. A few other people were seated at the outside tables with glasses of wine, and from the fact that they had just paid their drinks bill, they obviously weren't going to eat there but just have drinks.

We waited for over half an hour for service despite the fact that the wauter could see us; he walked around the outside tables several times and we tried to attract his attention to no avail but every time we tried to speak to him he said 'in a moment' and walked away (he wasn't doing anything important, as far as we could see, just waiting around inside).

When one of us finally got up and went inside to fetch him, he was extremely rude and refused to serve us drinks as it was past six o'clock and 'we're now only serving customers who will be eating.'

When we protested that we had been waiting since well before six and that most of the tables were empty, he was even ruder.

We left, and told an American couple who had just sat down at the next table how rude the waiter had been: gratifyingly, they left too. Message to the owner and serving staff of Galleria: rudeness will lose you more customers than you think..

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Galleria Restaurant

Map showing Galleria Restaurant on Bridge Street