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"Warm and welcome."

A review of Jimmy's Night Shelter by David Tudor written on Friday 31st of May 2013


I would like to take the chance to thanking the whole of Jimmy's Team for making me believe in myself and keeping positive. I did not know there was people out there still with as I say "GOLDEN HEARTS". Well that was true until I found myself homeless and without a job!

I was told of a place a church, that welcomes all and restores confidence within yourself. I thought this was rubbish. But when you get to Jimmy's, you feel all our stress leave your body like water running off a ducks back. You are welcomed with a smile and a true understanding of your hard times. You are made to feel at easy, and there is always someone that you can have a little natter with (just to get things off your chest).

Jimmy's gave me back my self belief and the "can do" attitude!! I can not thank the STAFF enough for the time and effort they put into the running of Jimmy's!!!

All my love to all the staff. Keep up your great work.

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Jimmy's Night Shelter

Map showing Jimmy's Night Shelter on East Road