A review of Cambridgeshire Mencap by Jj written on Wednesday 9th of May 2012
Cambridge Mencap is clean. Looks after the members, clients very well. Lots of nice class room only based training. No training when you start volunteering. No genuine support that I have witnessed. Mencap expects it's volunteers to not need any support in the volunteering from day one. They want volunteers to be unpaid staff.
Volunteers did to pay in some groups money towards the volunteering. This is said to be money towards extra activities but I suspect though I may be wrong it may be to reclaim some of the money that was reinbursed from the travel expenses each time you go. If you volunteer for 4 days a wee you would need to pay for four days. In my opinion Cambridge mencap is an organisation that can afford to not charge volunteers money for activities. However though they encourage in a big way, they do not enforce anyone to make the payment. You pay by donation.
Although some ( though not all) Volunteers are sometimes not well treated .I believe Mencap staff are fantastic at looking after clients and members with learning disabilities and they are in my opinion very very well cared for.
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