A review of B & Q by Eternal optimist written on Sunday 23rd of January 2011
Listen love,
PJH are not the best supplier of goods inthe world, we kow that, but there are good folks there that try hard and that's a fact. What you are dealing with is unrealistic expectations on the pert of the customer brought on by the every insistent demands of the business to sell more stuff. Accountability is key - do not take the money unless we can deliver the expectation. If we can't do it - challenge it - we can improve this way - don't be disheartened - fight fight and fight some more for our customer - they show us respect for even coming through the door and if we can show them that respect back and make our suppliers follow our passion (and that's where managers earn their keep) then we will have happier customers (disregarding the loonies ykwim).
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