A review of B & Q by Amy written on Tuesday 7th of December 2010
I have worked for the company since march 2010. OK,every company has complaints- but seriously, customers thinking that because a drill didnt go as fast as they wanted its my fault? No actually no training is given, which is fine because most of the time these customers lack COMMON SENSE and MANNORS. The way they treat staff, espechially female staff is a disgrace- i find tradespeople the worst, just because i am a female working in B & Q, does that mean I have no knoledge of the products and servicesz they sell and how to use it? you think because you buy the cheapest bathroom suite i owe you something? no. respect. The customers lack respect which furthur means the staff arnt happy and complaints forumlating. However i can the customers point of view, they are paying customers who should get a good service- but really, not respecting staff or giving them the time of day? oh well, these arrogant horrible people pay our wages so smiling is easy when you win at the end of it..
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