A review of Cambridge City Council - Environmental Health & Protection by Mrs julie haslett written on Saturday 13th of March 2010
Its saturday 13 th march 2010, at last a warmer and sunny day,thats great to go into the garden to do some gardening,first i will hang out my washing,i go outside to find so much smoke it stings my eyes,across the back of my garden someone is clearing trees and over groath, they decide to burn what they chop,thats the end of my gardening and no hanging out washing,this started at 8am and its still going on at 7.30pm,it stings my eyes to go out into the back,also the clearers have scared off the deer that used to live in the area they are clearing,ive lived in over for 21 years and its alwats been trees and undergrowth,shame,they probably have plans to build,who knows?ive been very sad today because of the smoke,my hair and clothes smell awfull,i can even smell smoke at my front door,this shouldnt be allowed,i hope it isnt going to be the same tommorrow,it shouldnt be allowed..
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Map showing Cambridge City Council - Environmental Health & Protection on Regent Street