A review of Kwik Fit by F Smith written on Saturday 6th of February 2010
All I asked for was my tyre pressure to be checked and I was told my tyres were VERY near the limit and 1 almost illegal.Then I was told the was an offer on at the moment and I could buy 3 and get 1 free, when I said i would think about it I was told they may not get any more in on offer and spending £304 now would be better than spending £390 later. I agree it does make sence but I felt because I was a woman on my own I think he played on my situation and worried me. I now have 4 brand new tyres which i didnt really need at the moment as looking at the paper work I still had many more miles left on them. What a shame they did that as they gave very good service but a doubt I will ever have the confidence to go back again..
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