A review of Lloyds TSB Bank by Emma Thomson written on Saturday 31st of October 2009
After working for ltsb phonebank for nearly 2 years, i felt that i was at the end of my tether in the last few months. The first year i was there i felt i worked very hard whic resulted in a wage rise and an exceeded scorecard for the year.
Into the 2nd year, under a different manager my opinion changed, depsite a recession happening all over the world, i feel LTSB still forced us into cold approaching on all customers at every available opportunity despite the situations or nature of the calls, which definetly showed on any calls marked or listened to. As a customer of LTSB myself, i've never had any major problems, apart from the usual bank charges, but i take responsibility for them.
I also feel that in my last few working months with LTSB, any managers within Phonebank never fully showed any support personally or professionally, i mean...we all know they're human beings, so why can't they treat us how they would like to be treated? the answer?....one little word...AUTHORITY. That one little word runs straight to their head, despite the youngest TL being only a mere 2 years older than myself...i find it hard to be disciplined by someone who was in nappies at the same time I was.
Moving onto customers..if any other customers of LTSB read this, believe when i say we (advisors) DO/DID NOT want to force people into Loans, Mortgages, Savings or Account Upgrades....we have it forced upon us to pass onto you. I mean i sure as hell hate it when i phone for a query and i'm repeatedly asked to upgrade my account for a monthly fee..who wants that?! Believe this...i HATED doing it. Not one person i worked with loved the idea of selling, but im afraid we're pushed into ir to keep out job.
I left LTSB last monday after what feels like a waste of nearly 2 years work. Every manager focused on the negatives...never positives, which I think made it hard to come into work, put on a fake smile and pretend like you give a crap. I can guarantee there is not one Phonebank advisor who loves their job. Fair enough, i chose to work in a call centre, but I didnt choose to be stressed and extremely anxious about going into my place of work every day. I would not recommend LTSB as a place to work....maybe a year ago I would have, but hey....things change but LTSB didn't take notice of that. If anyone has any further questions...i'd be MORE than happy to answer, Emma..
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