A review of Lloyds TSB Bank by PB Advisor written on Friday 4th of September 2009
Also in reply to Heather, we could NEVER accept authorisation from your husband to speak on his account unless he is there and gives permission for you to do it on the call at that time.
Imagine if someone you know, knows that you've sorted this with the bank, phones one day and says I'm the wife of ... and I have authorisation to deal with his account, even though this is a total fraudster. Would you be happy for that to happen? I think not and most people who phone up on other people's accounts who think it's a joke usually back down and understand when I explain this.
If it's that big a deal then sign up to be his power of attorney, otherwise get your husband to deal with his own affairs, credit cards are open 24/7 so there's no excuse!.
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