A review of Smile Studio by William written on Sunday 12th of July 2009
Band 1 course of treatment – £16.50
This covers an examination, diagnosis (e.g. X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed and application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealants. If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge. (From the NHS leaflet on dental charges)
So why do I have to pay your hygienist £40 to have a scale and polish? The dentist should do it if he/she thinks it is necessary, for the charge of £16.50, as clearly stated above, not send the patient to a private hygienist. And why do I have to pay a £20 deposit for the hygienist if I don’t have to pay a deposit for the dentist?
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