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"Best place to eat in town on a smallish budget!"

A review of Pizza Express by Irma Lambert written on Thursday 10th of July 2003


7a Jesus Lane is definitely my favourite restaurant in Cambridge. If I just want to go for a casual meal with friends or even just for dessert or starters (they don't have a problem with that!) it's perfect.

The atmosphere is great (though I always try to sit in the 'library' room at the back as it's quieter and feels warmer) and the food is very enjoyable Italian (rather than American-Italian), especially considering that this is a chain.

Prices are very reasonable, with a three course meal + drinks easily below 20 pounds. They have a few vegetarian options, and I haven't found a dish I don't like so far.

And as previously mentioned, PoNaNa's is just downstairs for after-dinner boogie-ing (though some fat beats tend to come through the floor in the front room, I believe).


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Pizza Express

Map showing Pizza Express on Jesus Lane