A review of Café Carringtons by Ian van De Stooming written on Friday 30th of January 2009
I recenty visited Carrington's,largely on the recommendation of some contact friends in the famous "Q" outside King's on Christmas Eve,last (My-o-My -God DOES "Move in mysterious ways" !!).On,latterly,visiting Carrington's,one can well note,in everything Carrington's has to offer -food quality,value,amount,etc.our Divine "guide and coucellor" really HAS something for those in need of both "inner" and,I suppose as well,"spiritual" sustenance.The prices (which,a bit unlike Cambridge !)are Not vying with the City or West End..CANNOT be beaten,especially when coupled with the Excellent food quality and portions.("Quiet..Oxford -we weren't talking to you !!!!!).
The staff I have recently heard (if not exactly in a strident way)have come in for some criticism.Yes,particularly at lunch-time when I visited(but then just about all locations are in pretty much the same-boat),there is a degree of quite understandable "pressure".Most do seem to be from "afar" -BUT,in my own humble estimation,in spite of that,are Extremely hard-working and doing their damdest to measure up to such a challenge !
A "general" and hopefully positive observation I would make is the rather low-key (almost "missable") location and entrance-way on Market Street (just beside the East End of the church)and their full justification (given the rather cramped conditions downstairs)and deservedness in being able to be provided with something considerably BETTER.
In the meantime,thus,it does remain something of a "WELL KEPT" , but "WELL DESERVING" secret !!!!
O.K. Oxford you can open you're eyes now !!!
CHEERS ! GOOD LUCK ! and GOD BLESS ! Carrington's
Ian v.S. .
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