A review of Lloyds TSB Bank by George Dixon written on Wednesday 26th of November 2008
Sounds incredible but it's true.
All you need to do is get a 0/0 credit card on purchases from LTSB, save up the money you would be spending on it so in 12 months time you can pay it off (and earn interest on the savings),make sure when the interest free period ends, you pay it off and then take full advantage of the 35 day period and pay off the card in full each month.
Either have a Classic (non-fee) account or else if you have an account you pay for, make sure it works for you or downgrade it.
Also, get a landline deal from Virgin or Bt so most of your calls to 01 or 02 numbers are free 24/7.
Saves a fortune.
Also don't be afraid to threaten companies you will leave unless yo get a better deal..
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