A review of Lloyds TSB Bank by George Dixon written on Wednesday 26th of November 2008
People who complain about the service received from LTSB staff should learn to manage their own affairs, by staying in the black or within their overdraft, and using Internet Banking and the Automated Services available to ensure they do not go overdrawn.
They amount of people I speak to every single day saying "I didn't know this or that was coming out", thereby somehow making it the Bank's fault and it's just unbelievable.
Wake up and smell the coffee. You guys (and gals) have the services such as Sky, sign up for the fancy gyms and use your mobile phones like their going out of fashion, before going out and withdrawing cash and spending on your debit cards, without tallying up how much you spent. Then when it all goes wrong your on your overpriced mobile, drinking an expensive cofee while complaining that we are charging you because you don't know what your doing!
Two things - first I'm not charging you, the Bank is.
Secondly, if you examine all your spending you can make massive savings.
Spend a few minutes every day to manage your account and, like me you will never EVER pay the Bank (any bank) a penny in interest or charges..
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