A review of Teri-Aki Restaurant & Bar by Anonymous written on Tuesday 21st of October 2008
I know someone who works in Teriaki, so can tell you that what another reviewer wrote about tips is 90% true. The staff do get some amount of tips at the end of the month, but it is nowhere near as much as they would get if each waiter could collect their own tips. So, not only should you not leave tips, you should also tell the management that what they are doing is a disgrace, adn that they should change it or you'll vote with your feet. Someone has to stand up for the workers, as most of them are just young foreign students, happy enough to get a job, and from cultures where people are extremely unlikely to stand up for their rights in the workplace.
That said, I've heard that the management are nice to staff and people seem to enjoy working there. Still, it's not on, and something should be done to change things. .
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