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"Timed out!"

A review of The Plough by Susan written on Tuesday 15th of April 2008


After a very pleasant meal to celebrate our son's 18th birthday last October, when the staff could not have been more helpful (and received a very generous tip!), we were very disappointed with our return visit last Saturday.

I had booked the table for 6.30 - 7.00 as some of our party were coming from a distance. We were shown to our table and before we could take our coats off or sit down the waiter was trying to shove menus into our hands and take a drinks order! We should have realised this was to set the trend for the evening ..

The meals were disappointingly small and not well presented. Vegetables were only provided for one of the meals, apart from child size french fries portions served to adults! The waiter was rude throughout and attempted to get us to have coffees before the dessert menu was offered, which became clear when he said we would not get through the desserts in the 20 minutes left! They had taken another reservation for our table whilst we were eating and expected us to rush our meal to accommodate this. We didn't take coffee, which is just as well as the waiter had rung up the bill without checking if we had finished!

The final straw was when one of our party was short changed at the bar by the bar man who dropped his change on the floor and then concealed one of the pound coins, handing over three and not four. A shame really, as it cost the normal generous tip we would leave for good service. What service?

We will not be returning to The Plough for a third visit!.

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The Plough

Map showing The Plough on Green End