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"Mediocre food, awful atmosphere. avoid."

A review of Galleria Restaurant by Aylwyn written on Thursday 26th of June 2003


As soon as you walk in the experience is bad. The McDonalds piped music, lurid yellow walls, and shoddy furniture made us want to leave after five minutes. Then there follwed a 30 minute wait for our first course, followed by a 45 minute wait for the main course, at which point we asked a waiter what was happening and he said he could have a look but was afraid of the chef so he couldn't say anything. The food when it did come was at the sort of Garfunkels-style cheap chain-restaurant level.

A pity, because it's a great location by the river. But at the moment it's just a low-quality tourist trap. It probably won't change unless someone takes over who cares about running a decent restaurant..

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Galleria Restaurant

Map showing Galleria Restaurant on Bridge Street