A review of Lloyds TSB Bank by Richard Green written on Thursday 6th of March 2008
The suggestion that presenting a Deed Poll document (in addition to Passport and utility bill as proof of ID) adds an additional layer of security to the identification process is complete nonsense: a 'Deed Poll' or 'Change of Name Deed' is a simple one page document that can be completed by anybody and witnessed by any adult (contrary to popular misconception it does not need to be witnessed by a solicitor). So it adds absolutely no security to the name change process on an account. A passport and one other form of ID should be sufficient for the bank to change the details on an account - especially if the person is present when requesting the change.
I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of making the banking process more secure, but so often the measures put in place merely add frustration to honest customers without presenting any real obstacle to the fraudster. What we need is greater use of biometrics.
On another note, I have yet again been infuriated by LTSB's supposed 'improvements' to its automated phone system. Why can't we just go back to the old days when human beings were capable of directing calls??
The automated system was incapable of understanding my screams of 'Advisor' and twice sent me into cyberspace before dumping my calls earlier today. Progress...I think not..
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