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"River Island Support"

A review of River Island by Anon written on Saturday 27th of October 2007


The website and stores are not attached, this may sound strange to some people but they are completely seperate, therefore if you come in complaining about it the only thing we can advise is to e-mail the company who run the website as we have no other contact details. Also if the site was so bad we wouldn't of won the website of the year award at the 2007 Company magazine awards, which is voted for by customers!

Also, I would advise that it is best that if you are unsure of how something fits and haven't got the time to try it on, DON'T TAKE THE TAGS OFF!!!! It may seem hard for people to understand but if you take them off we can only assume that the item may have been worn, as sometimes this is the case.

And it is also unfair to generalise, with over 200 stores in the UK, how can you tell people not to shop with us as customer service is very different in each store, just because you had a bad experience in one store doesn't mean you will in every other store in the country.

Sometimes I wonder how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot and I came into your place of work and shouted and swore at you!.

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River Island

Map showing River Island on Grand Arcade