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"Good food, bad staff"

A review of Midsummer House by Anonymous written on Sunday 13th of May 2007


I've tried Midsummer House many times over the past few years and each time I've liked the food but disliked the way the staff have treated me. Went there again in early May 2007 and it was the same as always.

From initial enquiries through to how they actually act in the restaurant, they are unhelpful, cold and patronising. They all seem to act like you should feel so very grateful to dine with them.

It's a shame, as Daniel Clifford's food is good and that's the only thing that keeps me going back. I'd disagree with other reviewers in that I think it's towards the bottom end of two Michelin star restaurants, but that still makes it very good.

I just wish they'd get over it and let people enjoy the food and the experience..

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Midsummer House

Map showing Midsummer House on Midsummer Common