A review of Toko Jewellery by Mr G Shaw. written on Monday 31st of July 2006
If you ever go to visit cambridge this shop is a must!! The staff are really helpful in a calm and relaxed way, and there is a wonderful amount of jewellery to look at. I was looking for a amber bracelet for my wife and was shown some by dan who works on a weekend there. After selecting one (the first dan had shown me) i saw that it was a little bit to large for my wifes wirst, NO PROBLEM said dan,
after a chat with the manager (Darren) i was told that we could make it a little smaller and it wold be ready to collect in 5 days time. On return to collect the braclet i was shown the great work that had been done and they even made the extra link into a pendant!!!!! FREE!!!! they also boxed both items up and gift wrapped the products for me. Cannot thank them enough.. Oh and my wife loved both items.
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