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"Balanced dies?"

A review of McDonalds by Julie written on Tuesday 13th of June 2006


I think that McDonalds adverts depict the wrong message, not only as they show familys going there as a reward. but they promote a feeling which has noting to do qwith the food, by showing children sitting there having a laugh or a great time, they trick children in to thinking if they go there they too will feel like this, however this if mostly untrue as children are seemingly having to pressure their parents more so to go there so less likly to be bliss.

ive noticed that the adverts dont seem to be using eat as PART of a balanced diet (making it appear that has nurtritional value when a burger and frys contains over 1/2 RDA of salt) but eat A balanced diet, not actually linking there food with a balanced diet, seems odd but guess if the implications are there and people are stupid enough to fall for it..

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