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"Hyderabad - Say NO to McDonalds!!"

A review of McDonalds by Michael written on Tuesday 15th of November 2005


I live in Ireland and over the past 5 years every small town in the country has seen McDonalds and KFC open up. Every country i go to now seems to have these boring yellow monuments to global syncronization. McDonalds is such a predictable boring Menu that i think Hyderadab should ban them from ever opening in your beautiful city. I visited Hyderabad last year and it was refreshing not to smell the putrid stench of Big Macs wafting down the streets. Instead its lovely to see local bars and restaurants thriving and offering far superior products to the plastic food which McDonalds mass produces. Keep you personality India and ensure that your lovely country does not fall victim to the boring facades which have taken over most of Europe and America. SAY NO TO MCDONALDS IN HYDERABAD!.

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Map showing McDonalds on Madingley Road