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Reviews of St. Giles Church

On this page you will find reviews of St. Giles Church. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


7 people have reviewed this business

  • Request for contact list of people serving community at St Giles by Anonymous

    I wonder if you can help. I have been unsuccessful in finding out the name of the vicar, pastor or ... More»

  • Thanks by Bob Mcfarlane

    G,day everyone. I now have the information that I was seeking a while ago about the marriage of Jona... More»

  • Correction to the correction RE: Jonah Read by Robert Mcfarlane

    Sorry about this correction I have just found out that Jonah Read's christian name is actually Jonas... More»

  • Correction by Robert Mcfarlane

    Just a slight correction in regards to Jonah and Elizabeth Read's Wedding 26th November 1826. Eliza... More»

  • Not a welcoming church by LM Fletcher

    My wife and I with two friends visited Cambridge recently for a few days. on Saturday night and Sund... More»

  • Wedding November 26 1826 by Robert Mcfarlane

    Hi There, I am happy that I found this on the web, St Giles Church is the church my Great Great Grea... More»

  • From 1940 to 1956 by Leslie Scott

    I attended this church, first in the sunday School and then the choir. After this an altar server. I... More»

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