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Reviews of Sundaes

On this page you will find reviews of Sundaes. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


9 people have reviewed this business

  • Agreeing with Helen M by Diana Mcleery

    I was interested to discover the views of Helen M on the Sundaes store as I have felt similarly for ... More»

  • What's going on at Sundaes? by Helen M,Taunton

    What's going on at Sundaes? It seems to be under new Management and the change is most definitely no... More»

  • Love the shoes but dare you go in? by Anonymous

    I love the selection of shoes - it is where I head when I know I need a pair of shoes that will last... More»

  • AMAZING- My kind of shop. by Jenny

    I have been looking for shoes that are both comfortable and stylish and finally I have found a shop ... More»

  • Proper shoes! by Beccy

    Lovely shoes, lovely staff! Not only are their shoes great to look at, but they're also the kind of... More»

  • Shoe experts know best! by EH, Saffron Walden

    Sundaes is one of a rare breed of shoe shops that stocks and sells shoes that are made to give maxim... More»

  • Nice shoes..shame about the staff by Lucy B.

    Nice selection of shoes although shame some staff there are rather bossy to customers choosing style... More»

  • Gorgeous shoes! by Paula

    This is the most amazing shoe shop i have ever been in,so many gorgeous shoes to choose from!!. N... More»

  • Review of Sundaes by megan

    Nice shoes, nice shop it's a shame that some of the store assistants aren't more friendly. Having sa... More»

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