Home > A-Z of Cambridge Businesses > C

Cambridge Businesses - C

This page shows business listings of all kinds in Cambridge beginning with the letter C. You can also view listings by type of business or by area of Cambridge.

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  • Cycleshopsoftheworld

    Business in Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham.
    Address: 37 Brenda Gautrey Way, Cottenham, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24
  • Cymdeithas Trigolion Teras Y Glogwyn Cyfyngedig

    Business in Beche Road, Cambridge.
    Address: 17 Beche Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB5
  • Cystic Fibrosis Trust

    Charities & Voluntary Organisations (Business at Home) in Aingers Road, Histon.
    Tel: 01223 578668
    Address: Aingers Road, Histon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24
  • Cytocell

    Medical Equipment Manufacturers (Office & Administration) in Cambridge Technopark, Newmarket Road.
    Tel: 01223 294048
    Address: Units 3-4, Cambridge Technopark, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB5
  • Cytonex

    Research Organisations (Office & Administration) in Newmarket Road, Newmarket Road.
    Tel: 01223 508191
    Address: Cambridge Technopark, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB5

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